Maqaam & Kramat Tour
Half-Day Tour Visit 2 Maqaams Experience Firing of the Noon Gun on Signal Hill Lunch with locals
Half-Day Tour Visit 2 Maqaams Experience Firing of the Noon Gun on Signal Hill Lunch with locals
Half-Day Tour Visit Maqaam (Holy Shrine) of Sheikh Abduraghman Matora Tour of the Island & prison( with ex-political prisoner) Tour of Nelson Mandela’s…
Half-Day Tour Visit educational institution Visit Al Quds or Habibia Masjid (Mosque) Lunch with locals
Half-Day Tour Reminiscing with a local legend Storytelling & scrapbook perusal Snacks Visit to a stadium (Match Dependent)
ART AND CULTURAL CONNECTION- Half Day Tour Expression & conversation with local artists Interactive art experiences eg, beading, sewing, painting Visit the Trojan…